Denmark to Introduce “Vaccine Passport” for Vaccinated Travelers Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

The Ministry of Health of Denmark is in the process of developing a digital “vaccine passport” for people who have received the COVIID-19 vaccine, according to an announcement made by the Ministry.

This move could allow people to begin traveling again and open up the travel and tourism sector once again.

“It is expected that there may be requirements from other countries to present vaccine documentation upon entry. A Danish vaccine passport can be used here,” the announcement reads.

The new passport is expected to be unveiled and put into action in the first months of 2021. So far, it is not clear whether or not the passport will be available on an app.

Before the introduction of the new vaccine passport, the Ministry highlighted the need for further investigation into where vaccinated people can still transmit the virus and how long the vaccine lasts before someone needs to get another shot.

Other countries have explored similar solutions. Estonia and Australia, for examples, have both talked about introducing similar measures.

In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also talked about introducing a “smart yellow card,” which is just a digital version of the yellow vaccine booklets used by many countries.  

At the same time that this is happening, Denmark has also closed its borders to all countries until at least 18 January 2021, in an attempt to stop the new strain of COVID-19 from entering the country.

Denmark’s Foreign Minister has underlined his fears that mutations in the COVID-19 virus pose a significant threat to Denmark. He has also noted that measures must be taken in order to avoid another months-long shutdown for Denmark such as what most of 2020 was, now that the vaccines are available.

“The safety and security of Danes is the government’s priority. We can see the finish line. The vaccine is here. We must not stumble on the run-up stretch. Not least in the light of the new mutations, we will have to – all of us – make an extra effort. And today’s package of travel initiatives is an expression of that,” said Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod.

With the new strain of COVID-19 will likely come a new wave of internal Schengen border closures and stricter external border control protocol, although it is still unclear how most Member States will react.

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